Button Eyes
So, guess what's just around the corner??? That's right peeps, HALLOWEEN! So for the next week and some, I'll be posting my reserve of creepy Halloween type stuff. I warn you though, these are not for the faint of heart... *evil cackle*
First of these is this here Button-Eyes. (Coraline, anyone?)
Okay okay okay, I have a thing. You have these gorgeous dolls, antique, beautiful china, perfect painted features. One day, you decide to move. And since you're a sensible person, you decide to find the most beautiful, old-fashioned, fancy house you can. Y'know, to go with your doll.
But, there's already a Doll there. And she wont stand for any impostor...
And so, one night, you wake up to a strange sound by your pillow. You try to flick on the nightlight, but there's no power, not even a spark. Creeeaaaakk... You jump, eyes darting around, trying desperately to find the source of the noise. Shhiiinnkk. That... that was a knife being drawn! You know it was! But still everything is dark. You're keeping your eyes trained on where you know the door is. Nothing. Moments pass, slowly, agonizingly, and still, nothing.
Then in the darkness, you hear perhaps the most bone-chilling noise you could imagine.
You sleep alone.
You live alone.
You turn your head, your body almost paralyzed with fear.
And there in the gloom, you see the tiniest glint of moonlight on a blade...
and on a pair of button eyes...
and on a tiny, murderous, smile.
The art and story are completely mine. Original, hand made, etc. :)
Sorry this was late (not that there's anyone waiting for it), I had a slight case of writer's block. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, have a good day!
- Carina